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Letisko v Dilli, India. 11 hodin cakania na lietadlo do Kathmandu.
New Delhi airport. 11-hours waiting for a connection to Kathmandu.

Kathmandu, Nepal - prosim zoznamte sa.
Kathmandu, Nepal. One of the first looks.

Co takto vziat si riksu?
Would you like to take a ride with rickshaw?

Panicka vyuzila ponuku, v dazdi sa niet co divit.
Lady accepted the offer - no surprise in such a rain.

Kathmandu, obchod so suvenirmi.
Kathmandu, souvenir shop.

Najrychlejsi dopravny prostriedok v meste.
The fastest vehicle in town.

Len aby sme nemuseli hladat chybu!
Can you imagine troubleshooting here?

Strazca chramu.
Temple guard.

Oriesky vsetkych chuti.
Nuts of all tastes.

Skola skoncila - jasny dovod na radost!
School is over for today - good reason to be happy!

Stastna mamicka s faraonikom.
Happy mama with her jewel.

Nase lietadlo do Lukly.
Our plane to Lukla.

Letisko v Lukle (2840 m.n.m), na start alebo pristatie mame 1 pokus :-)
[One attempt] Airport in Lukla :-) Altitude: 2840 m a.s.l.

Mladi nosici, dufajuci, ze ich niekto najme.
Young porters, waiting to be hired.

Iba niektorym sa to postasti.
One of the luckiest.

Typicka vysokohorska kuchyna.
Typical high-altitude kitchen.

Budhisticki mnisi pocas modlitby.
Worshipping Buddhist monks.

Kukaj stryco, ja mam pistalku!
Can you hear my whistle?

Ako z modneho casopisu!
Like from the vogue magazine.

Sympaticki ludia na kazdom kroku.
Nice people everywhere. Lukla.

Mantry, vytesane v skalach pri ceste.
Mantra, carved into the rock near the trail.

Plne nalozene jaky na visutom moste.
Fully loaded yaks on suspension bridge.

No naklad zvacsa nosia ludia.
But not everyone has yaks.

Nosit aj 100 kilovy naklad na hlave nie je ziadna prechadzka.
Carrying even 100 kg load on the neck is not easy.

Zvlast nie v takychto papuckach.
Especially not in such shoes.

Resting place.

Dievcatka, hodnotiace okoloiducich.
Girls, watching by-walkers.

Modlitebne valceky na budhistickej stupe.
Praying wheels on Buddhist stupa.

Vodopadik, pripadne sprcha.
Waterfall, alternatively the shower.

Krasne deticky.
Beautiful children.

Lamanie kamena. Pri nasej ceste spat (o 12 dni) prave finisovali.
Rubbling the stone. On our way back (in 12 days) they were just finishing.

Malebny kamen v rieke.
Colorful rock in the river.

Zvysok nasho timu radujuc sa z cajiku.
Rest of our team having a tea break.

Hospodarska stavba.

Odvazlivec. Az neskor som zistil, ze je to nosic s mojim batohom :-)
Fearless guy. As I noticed later, he was our porter with my backpack :-)

Najrozmernejsi naklad, aky som vobec videl. 2 metre kubicke.
The largest load I saw. 2 cubic meters.

Stupa pri vstupe do mestecka Namche Bazar (3440 m.n.m.).
Stupa in Namche Bazar (3440 m).

Pranie bielizne. Napriek tomuto jednoduchemu sposobu su vsetci velmi cisti.

Mali by ste tu odvahu?
Would you dare?

Harmonia aj pri ranajkach, jedenie zo spolocnej misky.
Harmony during breakfast. They eat from one bowl.

Rano v Namche Bazari, kuri sa tu drevom (a jacimi lajnami :-).
Morning in Namche Bazar. 

Dievcatko zacina skoro, aby nic nezmeskalo :-)
Life starts very early.

Terasy v Namche.
Terraces in Namche.

Po prvy krat vidime Mount Everest (8848 m).
First view of Mount Everest (8848 m).

Spolocne foto s nasim sherpom Tsombom. A s Everestom.
Picture with our guide sherpa Tsomba. And with Everest as well.

Jaky sa nemozu vynadivat na havarovanu helikopteru.
Yaks can't get enough of the look at the crashed helicopter.

Modlitebne vlajocky.
Praying flags.

Mantry na kamenoch, tentokrat vo farbe.
Mantras on the rocks, this time colorful.


Namche Bazar s peknym pozadim.
Namche Bazar with the nice background.

Vrchol Lhotse (8414 m).
Lhotse peak (8414 m).

Budhisticka stupa.
Buddhist stupa.

Nezabudni fotit detaily!
Don't forget to notice details!

Nasi nosici v akcii.
Our porters in action.

A tentokrat v chvilke oddychu. Sympataci Hira a Ram.
And now having rest. Good guys Hira and Ram.

Ivan a Peter, na pozadi Lhotse.
Ivan and Peter with Lhotse in the back.

Horuca sprcha!
Hot shower!

Visuty most cez rieku Dudh Koshi.
Suspension bridge over Dudh Koshi river.

Jak v zimnej vybave.
Yak in winter gear.

Budhisticky klastor v Tengboche (3860 m).
Buddhist monastery in Tengboche (3860 m).

Kto lepsie postrazi vchod do klastora?
Who secures the entrance better?

Modlitebne mlynceky okolo klastora.
Praying wheels around the monastery.

Pohlad na klastor, Everest v pozadi.
Monastery view with Everest in the back.

Prepracovany relief na vstupnej brane do klastora.
Fine work on the monastery entrance gate.

Tengboche sa zobudza.
Tengboche wakes up.

Brana klastora.
Monastery gate.

Nas nepalsky team: Tsomba, Ram, Hira.
Our Nepal team: Tsomba (sherpa), Ram, Hira (porters).

Thamserku (6623 m), pohlad z Tengboche.
Thamserku (6623 m), as seen from Tengboche.

Ama Dablam (6856 m).
Ama Dablam (6856 m).

Vrchol Lhotse (8414 m).
Lhotse peak (8414 m).

Lobuche (vpravo, 6145 m) a Cho Oyu (vlavo v dialke, zasnezeny, 8201 m).
Lobuche (right, 6145 m) a Cho Oyu (on the left in a distance, snowy cap, 8201 m).

Kemp v Pheriche, 4240 m.
Camp in Pheriche (4240 m).

Krasne rano v Pheriche.
Beautiful morning in Pheriche.

Kamenne mury. Prakticke vyuzitie kamenov, vyzbieranych z pastviny.
Stone walls - useful usage of stones, obstructing in the veldt.

Taboche (6367 m).
Taboche peak (6367 m).

Nuptse (vpravo, 7861 m) a Everest (vlavo vzadu, 8848 m).
Nuptse (right, 7861 m) and Everest (left, back, 8848 m).

Ako preziju taketo velke vtaky vo vyske 5500 metrov, je mi zahadou.
It is a magic that these large birds can survive in 5500 m altitude.

Everest a Nuptse, pohlad z Kala Pattharu (5545 m).
Everest and Nuptse, view from Kala Patthar (5545 m).

Osada Lobuche (4910 m), tu sme strávili 3 aklimatizacne dni.
Lobuche village (4910 m), here we spent 3 days acclimatizing.

Dedina Lobuche, vlavo vzadu vrchol Pumo Ri (7165 m).
Lobuche village, in the left Pumo Ri peak (7165 m).

Pokojna atmoska v Lobuche, tu sa neda povedat, ze niekto pracuje ako kon!
Quiet atmosphere in Lobuche.

Paripa v Lobuche.
Steed in Lobuche.

Na ceste na Lobuche East vrchol.
On the trail to Lobuche East Peak.

Vrcholovy tabor pod Lobuche East.
Lobuche East high camp.

Nas podporny team (8 ludi...).
Our support team (8 people...).

Mehra peak (Kongma Tse), 5820 m.
Mehra peak (Kongma Tse), 5820 m.

Zaspavajuce Himalaje.
Himalayas, ready to sleep.

Vystup na Lobuche East (6119 m).
Climbing to Lobuche East (6119 m).

Lobuche East (6119 m).
Lobuche East (6119 m).

Pohlad do udolia Khumbu.
Look to Khumbu Valley.

Taboche (6367 m), Cholatse (6335 m) a Arakam Tse (6423 m).
Taboche (6367 m), Cholatse (6335 m) and Arakam Tse (6423 m).

Udolie pri Dughle.
Valley near Dughla.

Jak a Taboche Peak.
Yak and Taboche Peak.

Zenska budhisticka modlitebna v Pangboche.
Women Buddhist gompa in Pangboche.

Slecna nerobi snehuliaka, ale chysta jaci trus na palivo.
This young woman prepares yak dung for fuel.

Jaci trus sa pred pouzitim v peci musi pekne vysusit.
Yak dung, drying on the wall.

Ranny ruch v Tengboche.
Morning rush in Tengboche.

Nadherne deticky v Kyangjume.
Beautiful kids in Kyangjuma.

Aj my uz budeme iba oddychovat.
We will be resting as well.

Strihanie nechtov.
Nail cutting.
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