
usa, hiking, fotografie, fotky, photo, travelling, picture, gallery, photogallery, fotogaleria, cestovanie

100 Pictures from my first trip in 1995 Pictures 100 - 200 from my trip in 2004 Pictures 200 - 300 from my trip in 2004 Pictures 300 - 400 from my trip in 2004 Pictures 400 - 500 from my trip in 2004
Most Zlata brana.
Golden gate bridge, San Francisco. Nas dom na kolesach na nasledujuce 4 tyzdne.
Our home for next 4 weeks. Pokojne rano v San Rafael, CA.
Quiet morning in San Rafael, CA. Pavlina zahradka.
Pavla's garden. Kefy na umyvanie flias tu rastu rovno na stromoch. A ake farebne!
Bottle brush just before harvest.
Tu by som nechcel umyvat na Velku noc okna.
Will do anything but window cleaning here. Pristav v San Francisco.
One of San Francisco harbor's buildings. Poulicna predavacka kvetin.
Street flower seller. Historicka elektricka.
Historic tram. Prestavka. V pozadi Alcatraz.
Pose. Alcatraz in the back.
Oddych na slnku.
Sunbathing. Pre Teba tu nie je miesto!
There is not enough space for you! Pozicovna bicyklov.
Rent a bike! Elektrina kope!
Have fun with electricity!  Idealne na predlzeny vikend.
Will trade wife for a parking lot!
Znama lanovka.
San Francisco cable car. Zemetrasenia su tu velmi caste.
After an earthquake? People still live here. Speciality v cinskej stvrti.
Chinatown deli. Na Slovensku po slovensky!
San Francisco Chinatown. Hra GO. Zabava pre vsetkych okoloiducich.
GO game. Fun for everyone in the quarter.
Stare a nove.
Old and new. Krajina vetra. (© Lucka Ch.)
Wind country. Americke nakladiaky.
American trucks. Rano v narodnom parku Yosemite.
Morning in Yosemite National Park. Vychod slnka.
Yosemite. Jeden z mnohych vodopadov.
One of many waterfalls. Yosemite. Horska riava.
Mountain stream. Som krasny?
Am I nice? Yosemite, Mirror Lake. Skutocne zrkadlo.
Real mirror.
Yosemite valley. Kora na starej borovici.
Old pine crust. Zulove masivy.
Granite monoliths. Jarna zelen.
Spring green. Z rozpravky do rozpravky.
Like in a fairy tale.
Jar v horach.
Spring in the mountains. Yosemite, Vernal Fall. Dazdivy chodnik pod vodopadom Vernal. Duha tvori uzavrety kruh 360°!
Mist trail under Vernal Fall. Rainbow is circular, 360°!  Najdi vevericku!
Find a squirrel! Yosemite, Nevada Fall.
Nad Nevada Fall.
Above the Nevada Fall. Yosemite valley. Sequoia National Park. V kmeni davno spadnutej sekvoje.
In the sequioa log. Najdi vevericku!
Find a squirrel! Sequoia National Park, Tunnel Log.
Skusany vetrom.
Verified by the wind. Sequoia National Park, Moro Rock. Cesta cez Sierra Nevada.
Road across Sierra. Sme tu v rovnakej divocine, ako na Slovensku!
Wild west. Not worse than Wild East! Death valley.
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes near Stovepipe Wells, Death valley. Devil's Golf Course, Death valley. 
Vyzera ako Otcova rola, ale je to tvrda skrystalizovana sol - dno jazera.
Looks like a furrow, but it's a bottom of the lake, consisting of salt crystals. Badwater Basin, Death Valley.
Najnizsie polozene miesto na zapadnej pologuli (-85,5 m). 
Lowest point in the western hemisphere (-282 ft.). Artist's Pallete, Death Valley.
Rozne druhy mineralov sposobili pestre zafarbenie kopcekov.
Coloured hills caused by different minerals in the soil. Real Death Valley.
Vyhlad zo Zabriskie Point, Death Valley.
Overview from Zabriskie Point, Death Valley. Vidis aj Ty zeleznicu, ktora tam nie je? Udolie smrti, miesto castych fatamorgan.
Can you see the railroad, which is not there? Death valley, place of fata morgana.
:-) Vyhlad z Dante's View, Death Valley.
Overview from Dante's View, Death Valley. Vychod slnka.
Sunrise. Hura, aj kaktus je lepsi ako hola pust! Death Valley.
Cactus is better then plain desert! Death Valley.
Cesta z pekla do...
Road from hell...  ...raja!-) Las Vegas. (© Lucka Ch.)
...paradise!-) Las Vegas. Las Vegas, dalsia zo svadobnych kaplniek. (© Lucka Ch.)
Las Vegas, another wedding chapel. Den sa tu nikdy nekonci.
Day never ends here. Mesta svetla. Ci naopak?
Light cities. Or city lights?
Las Vegas, The Strip. Ste vo Vegas a v Parizi zaroven.
You are in Vegas and in Paris as well. Las Vegas. Fiktivna obloha vo vnutri kasina.
Non real sky in the casino. Co je skutocnost a co iba jej odraz? Tazka otazka v Las Vegas :-)
What is reality and what just its reflection? Hard to say in Vegas :-) Hlavna ulica The Strip o tretej rano.
The Strip at 3 a.m.
X-scream na 300 m vezi kasina Stratosphere.
How about to teleport from 909 ft! Big shot. Vystrel do vysky 50 m (na 300 m vezi Stratosphere). Pretazenie: 4g.
Big shot. 150 ft catapult on 921 ft high Stratosphere tower. 4G! Las Vegas. Hlavna ulica z vtacej perspektivy.
Las Vegas. Bird's view of The Strip. Las Vegas. Veza Stratosphere zospodu. Uff.
Las Vegas. Stratosphere tower from the bottom. Fortunately.  Z Las Vegas je iba na skok do New Yorku. (© Lucka Ch.)
New York is just few steps from Las Vegas.
A kamenom dohodis do Kahiry. (© Lucka Ch.)
Cairo is round the corner. A Luxor? Cez ulicu!
And Luxor? Across the street. Hoover Dam. Priehrada cez rieku Colorado, vysoka 220 m.
Hoover Dam (727 ft high) on Nevada and Arizona border. Divne hrusky.
Wild pears. Kazda cesta vedie cez Rim. Ale konci tu.
Every road goes through Rome. But ends here.
Sprejeri su vsade.
Wall painting. Vystava veteranov v Twentynine palms.
Veterans exhibition in 29 Palms. Modre nebo.
Blue heaven. Prekvapko.
Surprise. Plody stromu Joshua tree.
Joshua tree seeds.
V nardnom parku Joshua Tree.
Joshua Tree National Park. Ihly.
Needles. Kaktusy vsetkych foriem.
Cactusses of every shape. Vyprahnuta krajina.
Thirsty country. Obor.
The Giant.
Krasna kombinacia podivnych stromov a uctyhodnych balvanov.
Beautiful combination of strange trees and respectable boulders. Zapad slnka v NP Joshua Tree.
Joshua Tree in the setting sun. Joshua Tree National Park. Siluety.
Silhouettes. Joshuove ramena.
Joshua's arms.
Carovna krajina. (© Lucka Ch.)
Magic country. Den Matiek na cintorine v Tucsone.
Mother's Day at the Tucson's cemetary. Spominame.
We remember. Saguaro kaktusy v zapadajucom slnku.
Saguaro cactusses in sunset. Saguaro National Park.
100 Pictures from my first trip in 1995 Pictures 100 - 200 from my trip in 2004 Pictures 200 - 300 from my trip in 2004 Pictures 300 - 400 from my trip in 2004 Pictures 400 - 500 from my trip in 2004