
mexiko, mexico, malinalco, taxco, hiking, fotografie, fotky, photo, travelling, picture, gallery, photogallery, fotogaleria, cestovanie

Horuca Afrika.
Hot Africa. Ma to v krvi.
The rhythm is running through his veins. Zeby kapusta?-)
Cabbage. Maybe :-) Prvy dravec.
The first carnivore I see. Backpacker's Ritz Hostel. Johannesburg, South Africa.
Soweto - geto, kde bieli zhromazdovali ciernych.
Soweto. Druha strana mince - hotel Sandton Sun.
Other side of the coin - Sandton Sun Hotel. Kongresove centrum v Sandtone.
Sandton Convention Center. Pestry svet.
Fancy world Ziacikovia na ceste zo skoly.
Pupils on the way home.
Trh s carovnymi korienkami v stvrti Soweto.
White magic market in Soweto quarter. Zivot nie je vzdy vesely.
Life is not always funny. Urcite cerstve.
Fresh. No doubt. Dobra nalada na kazdom kroku.
Smile! You are in Soweto! Najpestrejsia ponuka hrebenov v meste.
The widest comb offer in town.
Backpacks. Neverili by ste, ako mi je tu dobre.
Unbelievably comfortable. Zivot v uliciach Soweta.
Life in Soweto streets. Vsetko moze byt pekne.
Everything could be nicer. Soweto, ziju tu aj bohati.
Soweto - the millionaire quarter.
Mandela - vecny hrdina.
Mandela - national hero. Soweto - najchudobnejsia stvrt.
Soweto - ugly quarter. Bez vody, bez elektriny a bez kanalizacie.
No water, no electricity, no sewerage. Odkial pochadzala svata rodina? Z Afriky!
Where the Holy Family comes from? Africa! Vynachadzavy.
Tancujuci narod.
Dancing all night long. And day as well. Obsadene.
Full house. Grimasa.
Grimaces. 10% ludi tu ma AIDS. Ale boj sa sustreduje na dosledky, nie priciny...
10% of the local population is infected... But fighting only with results, not causes. Kde sa podel Mbuyisa? Nikto nevie, ani jeho mama Elizabeth Makhubu.
What happened to Mbuyisa? His mother Elizabeth Makhubu nor anybody else knows.
Sprievodca Billy v Sowete. A okolo vecne vysmiati sarvanci.
Billy in Soweto. And his always smiling friends. Ako jeden.
As one. Skladky, obsahujuce zlaty prach.
Ores, containing golden powder. Najlepsie miesto na oddych.
Best place to rest. Ostnaty drot vsade. Kto je za plotom? Ti vonku, ci ti dnu?
Fences everywhere. Do you feel safe?
Ani o tom neuvazuj.
Don't even think of it. Skoro rano zaliezaju hrochy do vody :-)
Hippo on the way into the water :-) Hranicu Narodneho parku Kruger tvori Krokodilia rieka. Priznacny nazov :-)
Border of Kruger National Park - Crocodile river. Accurate name :-) Antilopa Impala.
Impala. Aepyceros melampus. Stonozka, vyskytuju sa v dlzke 10-15 cm.
Millipede, 10-15 cm long.
Nase prve taborenie v Kruger parku. Kemp Berg-en-Dal.
Our first night in Kruger National Park. Berg-en-Dal Camp. Slimaky ako ruka.
Snails large as a fist. Mlade hyeny. Nechranene, z brlohu ich vyhnala zaplava po vecernej burke.
Baby hyenas. In unsafe uncommon situation after evening stormy floods. Korytnacka.
Turtle? Or tortoise? Levia hostina. Nezabudnutelny pohlad.
Lions (Panthera Leo). Unforgettable experience.
Prvy z velkej 5-ky. Byvola zatial neratajme.
First of Big Five. Let's forget the buffalo. Kosti mi nerobia problem.
Bones don't cause problems. Neodolatelny pohlad.
Irresistible look. Da sa to neodfotit?
Can I ignore this photo opportunity? Bez dychu.
Co to tam rastie?
What fruit is it over there? Najdi slonika :-)
Find an elephant :-) Hrochy travia dni vo vode. Iba na noc vyliezaju, napast sa travy.
Hippos spend the day in water. They go out at night to feed. Krasne vtaciky s hniezdami s vchodom zospodu.
Beautiful birds with their nests. Entrance from the bottom. Zebra. Nie je krasna?
Burchell's zebra - Equus burchellii.
Napriek (a prave vdaka) sfarbeniu dobre skryte.
Despite of (and thanks to) the stripes almost invisible. Kaktus?
Cactus? Vidis zelenu opicu = davaj pozor na svoje hranolky.
Vervet monkey - Cercopithecus aethiops. Vzdy veseli, vzdy ochotni zapozovat.
Always smiling, always ready to pose. Ako v pralese.
Like in the jungle.
Zirafa - najvyssi suchozemsky cicavec.
Giraffe - Giraffa camelopardalis. Slon africky, druhy z velkej 5-ky.
African Elephant - Loxodonta africana. Second of Big Five. Vyssia nez najvyssi krik. Prakticke.
Taller than tallest bush. Useful. Nas sprievodca, sofer a kuchar v jednej osobe: Nico.
Our guide+driver+cook Nico (Bundu Safaris Travel Agency). A my, ocenujuc jeho kucharske umenie.
And we - appreciating his cooking qualities.
Vecer okolo ohna v Orpen kempe.
Evening campfire in Orpen camp. 5:00 rano na tom istom mieste.
5:00 a.m. in the morning on the same spot. Zas levy! Znova pri ranajkach, pochutnavajuc si na byvolovi.
Lions. Again! Having buffalo for the breakfest. Mnam!
Yummy! Neprestanes nas fotit?
Don't you stop taking pictures of us?!
Co vas zaujalo?
What attracted you? Sup.
Vulture. Skuste si vy obliznut chrbatik :-)
Can you kiss your back?-) Leopard (Panthera pardus). Treti z velkej 5-ky.
Leopard! The third of Big Five. Antilopa Vodarka jelenovita.
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus).
Impala. Zakladny clanok potravinoveho retazca v africkej busi.
Impala - the bottom of the food chain in african bush. Jastericka.
Lizard. Byvolia lebka. Levy uz odvtedy davno vyhladli.
Buffalo skull. Lions must have got hungry since that time. Spolocna priprava ranajok na odpocivadle v busi.
Preparing breakfest at the picnic site. Dobre, dobre. Prva a posledna :-)
OK. The first and the last :-)
Nevydrzal tu palavu.
Did not survive the burning sunbeams. Modrasek zltoocko.
Yelloweye bluebird :-) Zivot v pestrych farbach...
Life is colorful... ...ci uz je to hmyz...
...if we talk about an insect... ...alebo rastliny.
...or about the tree.
Malo farieb? Co povies na tento?
Not enough colors? What about this one? Cervena, zelena, modra.
RGB - Red, green, blue. Nielen vdaka velkym zvieratam je bus pritazliva.
There are not just big animals in the bush. Nasa cestovatelska skupinka a Bundu (=bus) Safaris (=cesty) mikrobus.
Our team and the Bundu (=bush) Safaris (=journeys) bus. Co zostalo z byvola, oceni hyena.
A kto pride na veceru nakoniec?
And who is next on the guest list? Antilopa Kudu.
Greater Kudu antelope (Tragelaphus strepsiceros). Krasa kam sa len pozries.
Beauty everywhere. Chyba vam tu nieco?
Do you miss anything? Tak nech sa paci!
Here you are!
Von z parku, no nie mimo nebezpecenstva.
Out of the park but not away from the danger. Krasa v dalsej zo svojich podob.
Another form of the beauty. Fakt dlhy krk. Esteze som mal teleobjektiv :-)
Pretty long neck. Fortunately, I had the telephoto lens :-) Termiti. Jeden z vela druhov.
Termits. One of many species. Tradicna trstinova strecha.
Traditional reed roof.
Oaza v busi.
Oasis in the bush. Pakon.
Blue Wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus). Byvol africky. Stvrty z velkej 5-ky. Najnebezpecnejsie africke zviera.
African Buffalo. The fourth of Big Five. The most dangerous african animal. Byvol africky.
African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer). Majestatne zviera.
Majestic animal.
Citim sa bezpecne.
Now I feel safe. Nosorozec tuponosy. Piaty z velkej 5-ky.
White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). The fifth of Big Five. Hrozivy postoj. Esteze je medzi nami ten krik :-)
Scary posture. Fortunately, there is a bush between us :-) Zapad slnka v busi.
Sunset in the bush. Este jeden.
One more :-)
Ranna prechadzka v busi. Prezerame termitisko.
Morning bush walk. Exploring termits. Kaktus - jeden z mnohych tvarov.
Cactus - one of many shapes. Dive vcely.
Wild bees. Naboj. Vyrobene v Zirafe.
Bullet. Made in Giraffe. Prirodny sperk.
The natural jewel.
Sposob ochrany.
The way of defence. Kanon Krvavej rieky.
Blyde River Canyon. Blyde River kanon - treti najvacsi na Zemi.
Blyde River Canyon - the third largest canyon on Earth. Blyde (Blood) River. A zas trosku detail.
Don't forget details.
Najpouzivanejsi sposob hromadnej dopravy.
Most used form of mass transportation. Posledny pohlad na Juznu Afriku - letisko v Johannesburgu.
Leaving South Africa - Johannesburg International Airport. Europa - svajciarske Alpy.
Europe - Swiss Alps.